Blue Moon Halloween Full Moon Affirmations by Sign

Halloween Full Moon is the second this month, which makes it a rare Blue Moon!

Halloween Full Moon is the second this month, which makes it a rare Blue Moon!

As we sink into the depths of Scorpio Season we are faced with: ourselves, our worries and our fear of death. Halloween and other traditional celebrations like Dia de los Muertos highlight this natural part of our life cycle every year. The current pressures are overwhelming on the collective level this year as we live through the complexities of the pandemic. In the US we are bombarded with constant news bites about an election we are being told is the most important of our lifetime. Continual messaging that being alive today means constantly finding yourself in situations or conversations that feel Life or Death and of crucial importance. It’s A LOT. And it’s ok to not feel ok right now.

All year we’ve been dropped breadcrumbs leading us repeatedly back to our fear of death, forcing us into a mindset that is asking “will I survive this?”. With Scorpio Season we are granted a shift in perspective, where Scorpio says, “so what if I don’t? (survive this)”. Our fear of death may more aptly be described as fear of the unknown, or fear of change. Scorpio invites us to consider that the death of one thing is the birth of another. Sex, death, rebirth and other people’s money are ways that we experience Scorpio energy.

We are poised on the precipice for a revolution and Scorpio holds our hand as we walk through the shadows. This is a time for deep soul work. Inner child work. Narcissism work. The fertile darkness holds so much potential for healing, so much richness. You are being immersed in this dynamic, you don’t have to choose it, in fact not choosing it isn’t even an option. You can choose, however, how you will show up for it, that is all on you.

I am inviting myself and you to show up for yourself honestly with a willingness to get uncomfortable and begin the work that you’d been led to believe must stay hidden in the corners of your psyche. Shine your attention on what you’d hidden away in shame, what you’d been conditioned to believe can’t be shown nor healed. See below for affirmations by sign to use throughout Scorpio Season and in particular in meditation or prayer on the eve or day of the full moon. Check out this video and follow me on YouTube where I go through the affirmations: click here

*Looking ahead astrologically:

Full Moon in Taurus conjunct Uranus 10/31/20- uncertainty and the promise of change is sure to stir up old trauma, particularly regarding stability, love and comfort or the finer things in life. Meet this challenge by counting your blessings or making a gratitude list and smelling the roses or a fresh cup of coffee <simplicity wins>

Mercury stations direct in Libra on 11/4/20- many may experience the sensation of time standing still for much of the week, then will be shocked by how quickly things seem to be moving as Mercury gains forward momentum heading into Scorpio on 11/11 especially once Mars is moving forward again on 11/14/20 when the Moon is New in Scorpio (stay tuned for more on best use of this time period in ceremony and ritual healing in November’s Newsletter).

Now on to your Blue Moon Affirmations by Sign (collectively I invite us all to use the Scorpio and Capricorn affirmations in addition to the Affirmation that resonates for you by your sun, moon or rising sign):

Repeat after me Scorpio:

“I am willing to forgive myself for the mistakes I have made”

Malachite available here for $5.55 is a heart supportive stone, a powerful healer and perfect for your use in deep forgiveness work.

Repeat after me Sagittarius:

“I am willing to put effort toward challenging my old narratives”

Repeat after me Capricorn:

“I am willing to use my imagination to experience brand new ways of social order. I am willing to visualize the needs of the people being met in ways we have never seen before”

Fluorite is available here for $4.44 and is an idealist, helping us to see the best available possibilities and supporting our transition out of the excuses like “this is just the way it’s always been” which keeps us from evolving toward something better.

Repeat after me Aquarius:

“I am willing to be pleasantly surprised”

Repeat after me Pisces:

“I am willing to support those in their personal as well as collective transformation through my dreams and visions”

Repeat after me Aries:

“I am willing to pause and think things through before taking impulsive action”

Repeat after me Taurus:

“I am willing to feel my deep emotions and feel my trauma”

Repeat after me Gemini:

“I am willing to offer help to those who appear to be suffering”

Repeat after me Cancer:

“I am willing to tend to my own emotional security and be responsible for my own well-being”

Repeat after me Leo:

“I am willing to invest energy (time, money, sweat and other resources) in the collective good”

Repeat after me Virgo:

“I am willing to respond to crisis in new ways”

Repeat after me Libra:

“I am willing to give Love and Truth a chance, again”