Scorpio Season Horoscopes by Sign

Happy Scorpio season precious humans. If we’re here to do the damn thing we may as well go all in. We’ve done what we can with the diplomacy and socializing of Libra season and it’s time to get real. The celestial weather between now and the US election is pressurized. Both Mercury and Mars in retrograde motion, Mercury begins moving forward literally the day after the election. The effect may be that it feels like time is standing still day of, and then speeding up later in the week.


One way that we can support ourselves during this time is to explore allowing the harmonious notes of Scorpio to manifest through us. Scorpio can be: Passionate, Intense, Probing, Mysterious, Magnetic, Deep, Fierce, Loyal, Private, Fascinating, Esoteric, Sexy, Resourceful, Magical, Psychic, Powerful, Perceptive.

Three planets inhabit Capricorn and allowing the harmonious notes of Capricorn to exist through us is another strategy for not only surviving, but thriving between now and Winter Solstice. Capricorn can be: Authoritative, Structured, Organized, Practical, Disciplined, Efficient, Cautious, Professional, Conservative, Serious, Responsible, Hardworking, Enterprising.

Pick a couple from each list to explore adding to your song, creating harmony with your own personal astrological tune.

Horoscopes below, please check out the videos on YouTube

ARIES- Your ruler, Mars, is still retrograde through mid November, the invitation is to slow down, get some rest, don’t beat yourself up for being tired. Be still.

In love: the house of marriage/partnership in astrology (which is exactly opposite the house that you call home) is also known as the house of enemies, if you have been experiencing conflict or seeing something in a lover or enemy that you don’t like, the old adage “you spot it you got it” applies here. Take some time to yourself, do some self-reflecting and revisit the dynamic only once you’ve settled into taking accountability for your own actions.

Money- donate your time or money, whichever is more readily available, to open the flow of abundance. Consider how, during this time with both Mars and Mercury retrograde, you might open yourself to receive abundance without working yourself ragged. The energy simply is not there, hit pause and give back, then receive.

Current events and long term cosmic weather has been hard on Aries. There has been a reconciliation of what is real and fucked up in the world vs what you hoped to be true. Be honest with yourself about what is happening with you, and with the world and bring your trademark Aries courage and enthusiasm to what and who really matters to you.

Health: rest up. Follow your gut, particularly with regard to digestion, lovingly reduce inflammation by fueling yourself with foods you know you can tolerate.

Creativity- use challenge, conflict and your feelings about all of it in creating art. Meditation/visualization can aid in opening up the creative flow.


TAURUS- your ruler Venus feels stuck in the mud in Virgo. As you hang out here let Virgo show how there’s always a better way, and specifically a better way for you to show up in a particular dynamic in love. Is there a Libra in your life who could help here? Maybe it’s not the best idea to take the advice this person offers but more so for you to take a look, from a neutral perspective, of their lived experience and apply it to yourself. What lessons can you learn from their life story instead of having to learn the “hard way”? I realize you think the hard way, your way, is the only way, but thinking outside of YOUR BOX and WHAT YOU THINK LIMITS YOU is what allows you to up-level here. Doing things the way that keeps you comfortable will keep you exactly where you are, and for some of you, that is stuck.

Money- I see lived experiences bringing attention to how much you value your network, whether it is a social or work network. It could also be in the absence of such a network that you realize how much value in that there is for you. Review your spending habits through a wide lens, create some balance here. Not every splurge is worth it. In fact, if you can’t afford what you are splurging on, if there is not room in your budget for a purchase you are making RIGHT NOW, then WALK THE FUCK AWAY.

Health- get some sunshine on your face, let it shine it’s purifying light directly into your third eye, the seat of your intuition.

The regulations in response to CV19 likely had an impact on your daily routines, what can you bring back to support your health that worked for you before? Add color to your plate, I’m hearing “taste the rainbow” and I don’t mean by eating skittles. Ensuring you eat colorful meals is the only diet advice you need. If you’re eating fresh foods- including plentiful fruits and veggies you can eat some of everything else as well. Strict dieting feels contraindicated here, so if you’re following a strict regimen and find yourself out of balance emotionally then bring balance back to your plate. (The same is true if you’ve been following a strict drive-thru diet).

Current events- though so far you have been largely unscathed by the current events you are ultimately an important player in our revolution, which means you will at some point feel attacked or heavily burdened by the collective climate. Change is coming and it’s changing YOU whether you are aware of it or not. Yes you have much figured out, you’re doing great in many ways but by 2025 you won’t even recognize yourself and for some the metamorphosis will be clear by as early as 2023. With that in mind, how can you empower yourself to direct the change to be for the highest good of all, for you and for the collective. The global family needs you Taurus!

Creativity: for those of you embarking or in the midst of a creative project, find a good editor or someone who offers feedback to help you with refinement. You may have an opportunity to share your creativity through publishing or production of some kind. With regard to any project new or old: Integrity, alignment, refinement and Taurus, you got this.


GEMINI in love: I like an Aries for you right now, or someone who brings that level of excitement, enthusiasm and courage with them everywhere they go. Explore excitement and enthusiasm in love without drama. Or find a Libra, still warm from their time with the sun of their season, bringing the warm and fuzzies, cuddles and compliments to you. There does seem to be an element of past trauma stirred up even when life is seemingly all good on the romance front. Look for where Uranus is in your chart to expand on this. Know that if you show up honestly with a willingness to be vulnerable as well as a willingness to get weird you will make it to the next level and the lovin will be oh so good.

Money: best use of dollars you have available to spend is at home. Get cozy and create a comfortable nest for the winter. If funds are low then do what you can with what you have, as well as checking in with folks who may have something to share. If you are spending money haphazardly in other areas you can expect some kind of home or security related expense to pop up which will force you to realign your priorities when it comes to budgeting.

Current events: we are collectively resolving karma around colonization, appropriation, and the desire to flee when the going gets tough. You are needed here. Are you selectively interested in liberating oppressed peoples? (Meaning, are there folks you’ve completely left out?) If so, I know it’s an oversight, I know you want to show love and compassion to all. Take a look at groups you are affiliated with and make sure that they are bringing out the best in you. Your willingness to admit you were wrong and could have done better in a particular arena will show “them” how it’s done! This is not an easy thing for folks to do at this time, and the more power or status one has the harder it SEEMS to be. Use your curiosity, flexibility, and openness to connect with different folks to make things better on a local level.

Health: there may be temptation to get lost in booze, substances, shopping or other forms of numbing out. You know deep down you can’t take a vacation from reality but you CAN take a vacation from what he, she or they think(s) by unplugging. Purging make take place during the next couple of weeks in the form of your digestive system emptying itself after consuming something it didn’t like or perhaps you’ll feel called to participate in a gentle detoxing of sugar and fried things. Reduce intake of what you know isn’t ideal fuel for your body, there is no need to punish yourself for your transgressions, that’s just another form of disordered escape anyway.

Creativity: find inspiration in quiet. Indulge in the luxury of taking time to meditate or just listen to the sound of the birds in the back yard. I can see you meditating outdoors and it looks good on you, Gemini. Hold the space for the quiet, meaning don’t skip the silence part, but do bring a sketchbook or notepad for getting down on paper what the muse inspires in you after your quiet time is over.


CANCER in love: so moody sometimes, we love how your ruler brings variety to our experience by moving quickly through the signs and yet in relationship with you we are sometimes confused by how you seem fine one moment and are brooding in the corner or comfort shopping the next. Nurture love by being mindful of whether or not your love’s emotional security needs are being met. If they are annoying you take a moment to consider if they really seem ok. Do they seem to know how much you love them and how much you’d never want anything bad for them, like ever? If you come to realize that your partner’s needs aren’t satisfied right now I promise you that yours aren’t either. Check in here- come to the table with the intention to express to your person that you are interested in making sure their needs are met and you are also interested in making sure they know how much they are loved. Reciprocation will follow and if it doesn’t, you’re in the wrong place or they’re not hearing you, check yourself for unspoken resentment that could be coming through in the conversation.

Money: clean up your language with regard to finances. If you have a tendency to talk often about how expensive or cheap something is, give those phrases a rest for at least this week, try “I’d rather use my money to buy something else” or “that seems like a good value”.  Instead of saying “I can’t afford it” try “that doesn’t fit in with how I’m choosing to use my resources.” I think you have enough to meet your needs at this time and the vibes you are putting out when you complain about how expensive something is throws off your flow. Open to abundance and remember that you are rich in a variety of ways.

Current events: you have a front row seat to the shit show. There’s a lot about the way the world is crumbling that you anticipated. You are being gifted repeated opportunities to experience yourself as right, as well as to consider what really matters to you. Which is likely family and chosen family in close friend groups. Defy societal attempts to convince you that power, money and making “other” wrong is what matters. You had it right that taking care of your home, yourself and the folks who matter to you is where it’s at. Keep your eye on the prize. Be mindful with regard to what you say and think about the drama unfolding about the election and pandemic. If you’re talking shit it is going to stress you out.

Health: if you’ve been leaning hard into substances or vices instead of processing your emotions you will be susceptible to germs and injury. Immune system sludge if you are keeping secrets. Back pain? Get right with yourself to help clean up your energy and get yourself to a doctor to make sure nothing serious is going on.

Creativity- sing it out, cry it through. Your tears give birth to a beautiful mess that awaits you through art or intuitive gifts.


LEO in love: a bit lonely at the end of the day. If there was or is a lover be sure to meet your needs independently and join them as a whole person. It feels like co-decency is putting at you at risk for being rejected or abandoned down the road. Part of what is happening here is that you expect to be rejected or abandoned and you’re tempted to latch on to try to save yourself. Work on your relationship with your mom and healing some of those inner child wounds so that your partner or potential partner doesn’t take on that burden later. If a relationship currently exists it has genuine lasting potential as long as you do your work!

Money: if there are delusions with regard to what you or someone you are sharing finances with (could be work or life partner) has room for in the budget right now that could be difficult to work through, the solution is really simple but you’re not going to like it. Be willing to have the awkward conversation. “Hey, is now a good time to talk?”  “I thought I had room in my budget for _____ but I took a closer look and it’s not the right fit for me.” Boom. It’ll suck for a minute but it’ll be SO MUCH BETTER THAN WORRYING EVERYTIME YOU SEE THEM.

Consider donating time or money to a volunteer program. The realization that you don’t have $5K to invest in a great business idea doesn’t mean you don’t have 3 hours or $50 to donate to a cause that is on the ground helping people right now.

Current events: on a personal level you are changing and that struggle/shift is playing out on the world stage as well. How can you show up in service to contribute to the uprising? How can you shift in ways that will be prominent? Some of the ways that you are changing will be VISIBLE. You deserve to be seen and applauded for how you are showing up here but you must show up in order for that to happen!

Health: your body is your temple. Speak highly of yourself, this amazing machine that houses your mind and spirit. If you find yourself thinking critical thoughts about this meat suit of yours give yourself a break, it’s not easy to break those habits. Meet your criticism with curiosity to neutralize it. Something like “oh look at that! I’m thinking shitty thoughts about my thighs again, huh seems like when I look at Kendall Jenner’s instagram feed this is what happens, good to know”. Then make a body themed gratitude list all your own.

Creativity: your inner child and trauma work could provide creative gold. Volunteering may present a surprising opportunity to connect with a person or group that will help you to bring a creative dream to fruition.


VIRGO: love of self. Nurture a little sprout. Perhaps that sprout is you or is a new relationship with another. Allow something real to take root and grow. For some it feels like there’s energy available around love affairs or flirtation with a comrade that can remain friendly and surface level. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying yourself respectfully while you tend to what needs doing.

Money- balance. Bring your time or money to a new endeavor with other people but ensure that everyone is contributing more or less equally. If you’ve got plenty of time you’re bringing then they bring the money or vice versa.

Current events: you are transforming your experience of government, coporations and establishment. Consider how healthy boundaries are a useful expression of the heavy energy in Capricorn, how when we use the energy for good there’s less of that Cappy vibe available to manifest in ways that cause harm. Healthy boundaries over repression and oppression any day baby! This is true through winter solstice and even extends through 2023.

Health: maintain good health by nurturing routines which support you because you deserve to feel good!

Creativity: I’m hearing there’s inspiration available in a relationship, is your lover your muse? Will your lover lead you to a beautiful experience that awakens something brand new in you?


LIBRA-the sun has left you this week and plunged into Scorpio season. You may feel a sense of anxiety as you adjust to the transition. You’re not so comfortable in Scorpio season where things get really real. Ride it out bb. We really cherish the real you.

In love Aries energy is prominently (annoyingly?) taking up space in your relationship house holding a mirror. Showing you parts of yourself you haven’t seen. Like what you see? That’s you. Don’t like it? Uh oh that’s you too.

Money:  The makeover our collective value and banking system is experiencing over the next 6 years will show up in your life. Be on the lookout for out of the box ways to count your blessings, including cutting edge ways to store and share currency. No need to act this week beyond looking around you and seeing the value of the things that are already yours.

Current events: you’re smack in the middle of using your skills to move through the way things work and have always been and the revolution which will shake that all the way the fuck up. Meanwhile revolutionaries may be turning to you to vent. Do not take it personally when the revolutionaries reject some of your advice. You’ll help them make sense of why it’s not moving once it’s not moving, but they’ll need some retrospective vision to be able to see how they need you. Front loading them won’t work unfortunately, though you’re right that would be much more efficient!

Health: be honest about why you don’t feel well if vices are involved in your life these days. From disordered eating to substances, you know what I mean and you know what to do, who to spend time with and how to take care of your body to restore equilibrium here.

Creativity- you are the art. Quiet time. No screen, see what comes. What would happen if someone took photos of or painted you as you sat still in the silence? Something beautiful, that’s what.


SCORPIO- happy season! Once your birthday arrives +/- 24 hours you will begin to feel noticeably better.

Love- working through another layer of old trauma. Body related? There is a chance to up-level when working with vulnerability and forgiveness here. What is REAL forgiveness and how can that support your relationships? TALK ABOUT IT.

Money- old stories about financial struggle related to loss of home or forced move may surprise you if they come up. If you are considering or are in the process of moving now continue to come back again and again to current circumstances- you are currently safe, you are currently secure. Your needs are met. Moving is an empowered choice.

Current events: on a local level for you there has been some upheaval, oppression and opportunity to practice boundaries. All of this which leads to transformation. Part of your role here on the planet is to be sensitive to abuse of power. This may be why you’ve been on the receiving end of such abuses. From your perspective now as an adult you have access to emotional tools and other resources which will in turn support you as you advocate for current victims of abuse of power. Use your voice Scorpio, remember times when you wished friends/neighbors/family hadn’t told themselves “it’s not our business” and looked away in the face of situations that were clearly not right. We thank you so much for showing up to do this work, Scorpio.

Health: look out for injury and/or inflammation. Be careful, mindful and care for your body like it’s the only one you’ve got (you know, cuz it is).

Creativity: allow inspiration to come through and not make sense. Creativity and art are not logical. Visualize, expand your mind, and enjoy other states of being. Consider when societal norms are failing that it’s a sign to diverge from what society has been insisting is normal for you and everyone else. Spend time with folks with whom you are safe to get weird.


SAGITTARIUS- you’re destined to experience a great love that teaches you about flexibility and curiosity and the perfect time for that unfolding is now. There is lightness available as you express interest in your lover and in their personal interests. Take accountability for yourself and be willing to do better, in your own way, in relationship, this time. Whether you are seeking love or sinking into an existing dynamic there is room for growth. In the same way that it’s important for you to be responsible for where growth is needed on your part avoid delusional overcompensating of your partner’s weaknesses. Stay in your lane. Healthy love that is equally nurturing to each partner IS AVAILABLE.

Money: with the appropriate boundaries in place in interpersonal relationships there opens up an opportunity to expand in career and finances. Joining a cooperative or working with groups or business partners could open up possibilities for you. In some cases there’s a decade’s old self-limiting belief that can be transformed at this time. Break your own glass ceiling.

Current events have had an impact on your work and social life. You may be surprising yourself with how well you’re actually doing in the face of all of this tension. This time is perfectly calibrated for your spiritual evolution. Leaning into discomfort and doing the work where the work needs doing on a personal level helps the collective. Thank you for your work.

Health: use this time to shift your relationship with your body, seeing it as it is right now, as an asset for living. I know that you are capable of counting your blessings but can you really show us how it’s done Sagittarius? No matter your age or size can you show us what a blessing it really truly is to be embodied and alive on this planet? Harboring no resentment for your body, only celebration, care and appreciation.

Creativity: use heat, passion and sex to get your juices flowing. In the absence of a safe and delicious partner, meet your needs with your own hands or toys and work up a sweat in whatever form of exercise is available to you.


CAPRICORN in love: doing right by your loved one is supportive of your well being, including communication and delegation where it’s necessary. In some cases asking for help is the medicine, the resentment you may harbor in place of asking for what you desire is toxic to their health as well as yours and the relationship itself.

Money: If you have money to spend or invest use it to expand your worldview or give back to an indigenous community that you may have indirectly taken from.

Current events: you and your well-being are directly connected to what’s taking place on the world stage. Challenge yourself and your participation within systems and your relationship to boundaries within those systems. If you’ve leaned heavily into Capricorn realms of status, career, corporate or government organizations then you likely won’t have the energy available to create the container you really need in order to thrive. All of your Saturnian energy is being used by the establishment and leaving you without the healthy boundaries needed to thrive in other areas of your life. If you Capricorn can thrive in this celestial cluster fuck then we stand a chance at seeing this revolution through in our lifetimes. If you can’t muster it we’ll try again when the big guns (Jupiter, Saturn in December and in 2023 Pluto) move into Aquarius. We’re looking to you though for now.

Health- rest, water, boundaries, movement, alone time, laughter. Have you been meeting your own needs? What’s missing? Perhaps a sanctuary at home where you can immerse yourself in the vibration that nourishes you? Is joy missing? Friends/curiosity/flexibility can help- this is all Gemini territory. If you’re stuck, find a Gemini you like and mimic some of their behavior for finding joy. Inflammation is high and it’s up to you to advocate for what soothes it.

Creativity- write about family trauma, old or new, and experiences from quarantine.


AQUARIUS in love: what have you swept and hidden under the carpet? Is there some kind of illusion you let run rampant? Tell the truth even if it means admitting you’re not happy or learning that they’re not. You didn’t fall in love just to trap someone for a lifetime. Check the advise for Cancer with regard to opening a conversation about wanting your love’s needs to be met.

Money feels like a situation with money is relevant to your romantic dynamic. Be brave, see the damage for what it is, if there even is any. You’re so busy looking away that I feel like you’re missing what’s right in front of you. Remember you can’t lose something you never really had so if it was a business idea that didn’t pan out, you haven’t lost your theoretical success that never was.

Clear up the confusion, lick your wounds and start over paying attention to your intuition more acutely this time.

Current events: are you on the right side of history? Evaluate your actions and impact, do they align with your ideals? Change can feel traumatic, including changing your behavior even when the changes are for the best. One step at a time Aquarius, you got this. Uncertain ground is par for the course when you’re a revolutionary.

Health: meet your basic needs like a fucking newborn. You can’t be trusted to do this instinctually, you’re feeling disconnected from your body. So make a list and check it twice or three times a day and/or when you are complaining to someone that you don’t feel well. There feels like a disconnect between your intellect and your body, the list is a tool to use while this disconnect exists. Guided meditation may help you to connect to your body.

Creativity- expand your world view learn about other cultures and spiritual practices. VALUE YOUR SPIRIT by DOING SOMETHING that shows that you value your spirit.


PISCES- ever more refinement available in love Pisces. You know boundaries are a recurring weakness. Exercise your boundaries muscles. Say what you mean and be willing to follow up with action that supports your word. Be honest.

Money- there’s both fresh energy available here and change available for you in the realm of finances. By mid November there may be some momentum so take this time to get things right and ready. Have you entertained the idea of working with an investor? If possible wait till 11/5 to sign a contract.

Current events: reevaluate your relationship to groups, religion, rules and customs. If authority figures within groups have harmed you or other humans I invite you to reconsider your affiliation with these groups or religions. There’s no room for compromise here, if you have the sense that something is fucked up or wrong, it IS.

Health: reduce stress by being mindful about what you are consuming via TV, social media, news and friends. Consider the vibration of what you are consuming. Clean it up, or if you continue to indulge, at least take a few minutes to re-calibrate your system. The frequencies you are putting out will be close in nature to what you are putting in. There’s a lot of fear and propaganda being put out right now and it’s leaving its mark.

Creativity: align yourself with yourself as PURE SPIRIT YOU BEAUTIFUL PISCES. Remember meditation or other spiritual practices that unquestionably nourished you in the past and revisit them!