The Astrology and Pressure of 2020 as an Opportunity to Dismantle White Supremacy so That We May Collectively Rise

The celestial weather for the remainder of this year is intense. We cannot expect to see a release in the collective pressure until we collectively embody through action the living our truth, and the motivation to give up the facade of the shallow mainstream template for living IS the pressure itself. The truth of the human is love, compassion, creativity, genius, community and kindness. The amount of pressure we are experiencing is a vehicle to BREAK DOWN the layers and layers of fear based conditioning that is in contrast to our truth. No amount of shopping or accumulation of wealth connects you to fulfillment. The rat race was created by someone who wanted to keep you hungry. This is being exposed through the struggles of our current experience. Collective maturity and growth would free us up to use the astrology to perfect systems, but for now we experience being crushed by them as they crumble from the pressure.

The advice that applies to all beings across the board during this time is: be impeccable with your word, take nothing personally (thank you Don Miguel Ruiz), and stand up/speak out against injustice. The building collective effort to restore peace and safety for the oppressed populations of our globe (from displaced Palestinians to BIPOC- from my perspective particularly in the US) will result in a tremendous up-level in manifestation and abundance, joy, bliss and love, the likes of which we have never seen. The opportunity here is so immense it’s almost as elusive as imagining the concept of infinity. It begins with BIPOC feeling safe to leave their homes, to apply for jobs, to call the police- which begins with white people acknowledging their own privilege, calling out racist behavior at home, at work and within our entertainment and governments local and federal and both asking for and deserving of forgiveness. The years of pain and toxicity that has been inflicted on the BIPOC of the Americas cannot be forgiven until we truly own was has happened and own that it has STILL BEEN HAPPENING. I am working to address this in my personal life and promise to continue to do my best to continually do better. It is not ok for me to stand by silently while humans are in pain. We must acknowledge and we must STOP HURTING BLACK PEOPLE and stop allowing it to be ok for people in positions of power to hurt black people.

From my perspective it is time for the Spiritual Leaders to ground themselves in the reality of the 3D experience here on earth and begin to acknowledge how life here is toxic for so many and we can’t use positive thinking alone to wish it away. We simply will not attain spiritual enlightenment through spiritual bypassing because we cannot.

Let love and light fill your heart as you reflect on yourself. Where could you benefit from focusing your energy for growth? I have personally taken on the work of understanding my own role in white supremacy and the damage done by the effects of colonialism. I have a strong spiritual practice. I know I can use more energy in the realms of social justice as well as, on a personal level, strengthening boundaries and maintaining throat chakra health (meaning, continued practice of using my voice to speak up, a common theme of necessary healing I see time and again in the astrological charts of white women- myself included).

Thank you for taking all of this in, at this beginning of Gemini season I am certainly feeling the desire to connect, communicate and research and I am so glad you are here with me on this journey.

There is much to be aware of between now and the end of June in terms of the celestial weather, below I’ll share highlights and a few tips for making the most of this time. If you want to know more please book a remote astro session, I’d love to see your face!

Tomorrow morning at 10:38 AM PST the moon will be new in the sign of Gemini while venus will be conjunct mercury (the ruler of Gemini) IN Gemini! This is a lot of beautiful fuel for new beginnings in networking and in love. You may even find a chance to connect with loved ones from the past. Communication in this way can bring healing to old narratives. I invite you to explore this energy while maintaining the rules above: be impeccable with your word, take nothing personally and speak your truth.

On June 5th the moon is full in the ever spiritual sign of Sagittarius at 12:12 PM. Making this energy ever more powerful is a mid-afternoon lunar eclipse (not visible in the US), followed by the galactic activation portal of 6/6. Use the vibe of these couple days to expand consciousness and live in truth. With mercury in Cancer making a harmonious aspect to Uranus in Taurus some topics for honest conversation may be around a revolution in what we’d previously considered our values. Let emotion guide you, with Mercury in Cancer preparing to move into apparent retrograde any attempts to deny your emotional reality will end in MIScommunication and, very likely, conflict. Being willing to be vulnerable about how you feel, by talking about how you feel openly and being introspective will allow for the expansion to be available to you via the Moon and the activation portal.

On June 18th mercury will be in apparent retrograde in the sign of Cancer.

On June 20th the sun moves into Cancer adding a greater urgency to our desire to feel safe and secure at home. We explore the themes of emotional, energetic and physical safety and security.

On June 21st we have a solar eclipse, new moon in Cancer and Summer Solstice! Get to a natural body of water (ok or a bathtub or shower) to honor the Cancer archetype in all of us. Cancer rules nurturing, care-giving, intuition, water and is ruled herself by the moon. Self-care, love and above all emotional flow/freedom and truth is the key to thriving in this time.

On 6/23 Neptune move into apparent retrograde which will bring us to a whopping 7 planets in retrograde for a few days. The gift here is a perspective we couldn’t have predicted and from this other view we see new solutions, new ways to expand.

June 25th Venus stations direct and our loves lives benefit from suddenly becoming more straight-forward, though Cancer won’t see it that way, ha!

June 28th Mars returns home to Aries (yay! says this Aries!) and the advice here is TAKE ACTION. Listen to your instincts and remember simply that you exist, Aries says “I am!” and this quote sums up this vibe quite well “Do you want to know who you are? Don’t ask. ACT.”

Self-Care Strategy- Rituals for Gemini and Cancer Season:

Elizabeth Liptan