Libra Season and Aries Full Moon Astrological Weather Report to Support Emotional and Energetic Wellness

Hello precious humans- horoscopes below!

I’m writing to you from hidden in my sanctuary-my room, where I’ve been off and on for weeks. I turn into a hermit while the boys are with their dad. I have been turning to solitude and rest for emotional and energetic health. Overwhelm snuck in with the smoke during the September wildfires as a sort of last straw amidst so much pain, oppression, struggle and uncertainty in this nation where I reside and where the country is calling out for change as it simultaneously holds on as tightly as it can to the patriarchal world it has known for hundreds of years.

The astrological weather is in support of our eventual transformation, but the phase we are in now is the Tower Moment (do an internet search for what the Tower represents in tarot) of destruction of what we once knew so that we can rebuild. I have been posting videos once or twice a week on the social media platform Instagram and recently also started uploading them to YouTube. Inspired by documentary The Social Dilemma I am researching a platform with more ethical standards, alas that is a work in progress. Please send me an email if you have a suggestion!

Meanwhile, head over to IG or YT and check for your own weekly cosmic weather report. I’ve been using these tune-ins to connect me with the potential for good (I ask myself how can I use the available energy to of service?) use of the current astrological patters. I suggest everyone check in with the Libra reading to understand what the season, Libra energy is making itself manifest in all of us.

Here’s a write up to check out if you’d rather read than watch videos:

What to prepare for: Full Moon 10/01/20 at 2:05 PM Pacific Time at 9 degrees Aries (oh hey your girl has Venus at 8 degrees and the Sun at 10 degrees, if you’re not single you might want to stay away from me).

Recommended ritual leading up to full moon: journal, meditate or daydream about what you want more of.

Recommended ritual for evening of or day after full moon: journal, meditate, or daydream about what you want to let go of.

Celestial Weather Report by Sign (check your sun, moon, rising or S. node)

Libra- The Sun is lighting up your sign. The folks who are running a lot of Libran energy (by sun, moon, rising, south or north node, or who have many planets in the 7th house) may feel energized at this time, more social than they have felt all of 2020 and generally invigorated. That said, as of Sunday September 27th the planet Mercury moved out of Libra where it was happy to make light conversation and into Scorpio (raw, deep) while the Sun sits in opposition to the Wounded Healer asteroid- Chiron in Aries (brave, direct). What do you do with that info? Be willing to be vulnerable, real and go deep. The most fulfilling social interactions will be authentic and emotionally vulnerable with folks you can trust. This advice applies to the entire Zodiac for all of Libra season but of course has special meaning for Libra. Be on the look out for gossip and take Don Miguel Ruiz’s advice to be impeccable with your word. It makes your mouth look good.

The Moon is approaching Pisces where we have the waxing energy of the Moon to water our gardens. Your authenticity and willingness to share your true feelings will result in you feeling connected and facilitate healing.

Scorpio- the vibe I’m getting from y’all is that it is already your season. With mercury having moved into your sign I can feel your willingness to claim this time, but you are all in a Saturn period. You may feel like nothing is going your way, strange roadblocks to your well thought out strategies (anything you think is well thought out amirite?) keep popping up and you are reminded of why you’re so freakin skeptical in the first place. Lay low. Take above average care of yourself and anyone with whom you co-habitate.

Sagittarius (sun, moon, rising and s node)- I feel you dear one, continuing to be dragged through hell. Phew. If the unresolved trauma you’re carrying isn’t being injured or inflamed at this time then it’s likely you are having that effect on someone else. It’s usually the closest person to you- either your partner, your enemy or your children. Use bravery to move though fear, reminding yourself that courage isn’t an absence of fear but rather the willingness to move forward in spite of it. Use creative visualizations and be willing to dream of a better way. Remember that not every solution is linear or logical.

Capricorn- still full of heavy hitting energy with Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto all in your sign you may be feeling a lot of pressure and weight on your shoulders. If you feel yourself attempting to aid in restoring order please check in with yourself, your values and your actions within a group, corporation or government system to make sure that you are truly in alignment with what you know to be right. With most of you in your Venus period for the next 2-4 works you have some sweet potential for making the most of connections and networking within Libra season to effect change for the greater good. Pluto in your sign is asking for transformation. Use your knowledge of the systems for the good of the revolution! We need you!

Aquarius- ok so. Life may be feeling both empty, meaningless and chaotic and uncertain. There only action you’re seeing in your sign lately is when the moon moves through it and it is doing so literally as I type. Perhaps the past 48 hours have felt more animated and interesting/satisfying for you. Your planetary ruler, the Rebel Uranus is moving s l o w l y through the slow moving sign of Taurus. This may feel frustratingly stagnant to you, but trust your ruler is just what the world needs to shake things up. Rest up, eating nourishing food and preparing for what’s about to hit you and all of us later this year- Jupiter and Saturn both entering your sign.

Pisces- use the next couple of days with the moon in your sign, as well as Neptune and Mercury having moved into fellow water sign Scorpio to nurture yourself, taking responsibility for your emotional needs and health as you prepare to bravely let go of that which doesn’t serve you on the Aries full moon 10/1. Once the moon reaches its fullness after 2 PM PST that day you’ll have the most beautiful releasing energy available to work with. Take advantage!

Aries- oh you sweet baby. It’s been a freakin struggle. With Mars, our ruler, in our own damn sign, in retrograde motion our life force energy is blocked. Our usual energy levels are low and our loved ones may be truly baffled by the change in our behavior. Ridhhe it out, find new ways to get your needs and desires met. Have hot, sweaty, healthy, consensual sex or experience another form of exercise that will get your bodily fluids flowing. On 10/1 the Moon is full in your sign. Use the next couple of days to take responsibility for getting your needs met and prepare to let go of an old and epic story or person who has been dragging you down. You have a huge dose of courage being served to you with this moon.

Taurus- Venus rules both you and the Libras and with Uranus moving through your sign making aspects to Chiron in Aries and the sun in Libra may feel like a lot is happening and uncertain in your life right now. Hang in there, uncertainty itself is not going to kill you. We know that you are strong and steady, determined enough to move mountains. One way you could challenge the collective good is to put effort toward examining your feelings and looking for deeper meaning to what is flaring up for you.

Gemini- bravely speak the truth, let go of gossip and be willing to visualize creative solutions along with your natural talents of flexibility and voracious curiosity. The authenticity and vulnerability prescription I’ve written for multiple signs goes strongly for you as well. You can keep doing things the way you always have to stay safe, and one of the ways you accomplished that was by staying on the surface level and moving on quickly, with lightness. Keep the lightness and willingness to let go, but take your curiosity with you to the explore the real depths of your being, and while you’re at it, meet one of your important loved ones there in those deep waters to foster a sense of fulfilling connection.

Cancer- no planet is at home in your sign and your ruler, The Moon, is about to head into friendly waters in your fellow water sign of Pisces before it’ll reach its fullness in Aries on 10/1. In astrology Cancer and Aries make a tense angle to one another. They don’t work together very well, but I have always experienced the Aries willingness to act directly as medicine for Cancer and Cancer’s intuitive gifts and sensitivity as essential in helping Aries to evolve into a more compassionate human being. Use the energy this week to explore direct action and bravery as a strategy instead of worry and concern. With the full moon make a wish and take a leap.

Leo- enjoy the last week of Venus moving through your sign and lean into the expansive energy of the Aries full moon. With Aries as your fellow fire sign and your Ruler, The Sun, in the sign of Libra in opposition to the moon on 10/1 this energy is lively, beautiful and radiant. The advice to Libra to connect with authenticity and emotional vulnerability applies to you strongly here. Get the most out of this influence by being the real most radiantly real, generous and brave you. We don’t need you with the makeup or professionally styled coif. We just need you!

Virgo- you’re right. I said it. You’re right that we can’t ever stop doing better. That life on this planet is so screwed up there is soooo much that we will shift in order to restore harmony. But, I’m right too and I’ll say it again, rest and take care of yourself. The thing I’m really hoping to break you of is the habit of talking regularly about how you can’t do X cuz you have to/should/need to do Y. Once your own needs are met (including social/restful/joyful experiences) use language like “it’s important to me to use this time to work on____” instead of “I have to work on ______”. Try this out and let me know how it feels!