Follow The Signs March


Quick thinking

Solutions oriented


Follow the signs


Moon Magic Ceremony for the Revolution

Moon Magic Ceremony for the Revolution

We are still in the collective energy of evolving at any cost, and it’s still true that it won’t feel easy. But the astrological weather IS shifting, these vibes are a shift from what we’ve been through these past 12 months.

March of 2021 is the beginning of the year of 2021 as we will remember it. And, at the very least, we- those who’ve been showing up and telling the truth and doing the work and asking for help- are different, we’ve changed. 

The forecast for this month is in some ways the same: Pluto is still transforming our experience of Capricorn themes. Saturn and Jupiter are walking the path of Liberation and Revolution in Aquarius with Saturn’s tense angle to Uranus in Taurus pressurizing our collective experience and SHAKING THINGS UP (literally things, as in possessions, property, money, resources, Mother Earth herself). 

Shorter term weather and spirit ask you to surround yourself with beings who can see and honor the work that you’ve done, the true spark that is your essence, your intrinsic value. Share time and space with cheerleaders whose essence and work you are happy to uplift in return.

This week Mercury picks up speed in Aquarius, moving into conjunction with Jupiter on 3/5- which is a great time to communicate and announce the launch of your revolutionary new business, and just as supported is announcing your IDEAS. Let us know!

Mars enters Gemini on the same day and makes a harmonious angle to Aquarius, bringing vitality to your quirky/genius insights. Be open to being suddenly struck with creative solutions to problems you were previously unable to solve. Go with the flow.

As we shift into the 2021 vibe this week I am restating my intention, my goal for this year:

Increase the number of humans on the planet who feel:

Secure/important (just by existing)

Emotionally/creatively/sexually healthy



Heart centered









And by inviting you to join me in the astrological and lunar supported self-care and ritual personal work, done in service for the collective highest good. This month we release perfectionism and covert narcissism of Virgo while keeping healthy Virgo energy of discernment and willingness to improve ourselves. We invite in healthy expressions of Pisces energy- imagining and inspiration to create a visionary dreamscape for a better world. We connect to the knowingness that our work on an individual level is one shining example of our collective flame and a necessary part of our human evolution.

Join me by signing up for the New Moon Magic Ceremony Video Subscription- delivered to your respective inboxes before each New Moon and/or Moon Magic Kits:

March’s Details-

Element: water

Sun Season: Pisces

New Moon: 3/13/21

Expand: Visionary Dreamscape for the Future

Full Moon: Virgo 2/27

Release: unhealthy perfectionist and covertly narcissistic behaviors 

1 Carnelian crystal

1 Lepidolite crystal slab

1 deluxe sample Light Goddess Alchemy Divine Face Creme

1 herbal bath tea/herbal steam in cotton muslin reusable bag

1 purple chime candle

1 white chime candle

Release/Expand Intention Card

*1st ever subscription box orders receive 2 small candle holders

There are two Pisces kits remaining for March, get yours ordered here if you’ve been meaning to! Message or email me for a one time order. 

Your participation on any level, including simply reading these updates, is appreciated, I give thanks for you this day, and all days.