New Moon Magic- Libra and Mercury Rx Edition


Hello precious earth babies, below you’ll find a series of recommendations for how to practice ceremony at home making use of this beautiful New Moon in Libra energy available this week and culminating on Friday-Venus Day- Venus who rules Libra! With regard to the crystals suggested please feel free to use what you have available, ideally finding a crystal of a similar color. The Mercury retrograde phase we just began in combination with the continued Mars retrograde presents a wonderful opportunity to slow down and turn inward. Love to you all this week and always.

New Moon Ritual Ideas for Release:

To be done BEFORE the moon is new (Friday at 12:30 PM PST)

Thursday night/Friday morning: clear cords between you and toxic behaviors, relationships and narratives. The dark moon is a powerful void to release into. Take a breath and let go of what doesn’t serve.

What to throw into the void by sign:

Libra and those of us who want to work with the Libra Energy of this season- release inauthenticity, people pleasing and other people’s opinions and vibes. Return what doesn’t serve the highest good to source. Use in meditation/journaling/sitting quietly: smoky quartz. Clear the environment by safely smudging with dried herbs or incense, spray Clear The Air Banishing Spray or bathe in sea salt like Vibe Detox bath soak (each bath soak comes with a crystal) to clear unhealthy energetic connections and vibrations.

On a tiny piece of paper write down a word or two to represent what you are releasing- imagine the smoky quartz or salt or source energy absorbing as you let go.

Click here to browse selection of crystals Aries- impulsive destructive behavior (support thinking before acting with jasper)

Leo- attention seeking (support self esteem with tiger’s eye)

Sagittarius- insensitivity to others’ emotional life (topaz supports connecting your true spirit to your earthly presence here with other humans)

Taurus- materialism (support connecting to sacred personal truth with lapis lazuli)

Virgo- perfectionism (move out of perfectionism as a means to cope with anxiety with calming stone lepidolite)

Capricorn- allegiance to the flag of any country/organization whose actions do not align with your values (black tourmaline)

Gemini- interrupting and thinking of what you’re going to say next when it’s actually your turn to listen (support patience with amethyst)

Aquarius- assumptions (I can feel you creating an assumption about me and how I don’t know everything about you right now, like how some of your assumptions are right, ha!) release your preconceived notions and see the best in folks with fluorite

Cancer- gossip (support clearing up icky vibes with selenite)

Scorpio- grudges (release negativity into a smoky quartz)

Pisces- victim mentality- connect with your own life force energy, instead of accessing energy through crisis, with serpentine

New Moon Ritual for Manifestation, to be done AFTER the moon is new at 12:30 PM PST Friday.

Friday night: plant seeds of seemingly miraculous intention for harmony in your life, on both personal and collective levels.

Ideas for what seeds to plant in your New Moon Garden:

Libra and those of us who want to work with the Libra Energy of this season - unconditional love of self and others. Place stone rose quartz in the palm of your hand (meridians connect your hands to your heart center) and imagine rays of light infusing this stone with your intention to love yourself authentically and unconditionally. Safely burn sweetgrass, incense or use Clear The Air Love Spray in your space to set the intention. Keep rose quartz at your altar or on your windowsill, under your pillow for a moon cycle.  

Aries- cooperation (use citrine to bring success to your team or group project)

Leo- new creative ways to contribute to our collective healing (it’s time for Leo energy to shine lovingly at the globe) garnet supports loyalty, vitalizes and is associated with Lion vibes

Sagittarius- commitment to self and loved ones labradorite enhance intuition, use in meditation for spiritual quest

Taurus- right action, even if it hurts, even if it’s uncomfortable (carnelian to bring confidence to your action)

Virgo- non-harmful ways to experience enjoyment, black tourmaline to protect you from EMF

Capricorn- flexibility and softness of the heart with pink tourmaline

Gemini- full presence *be here now* (green aventurine, connect to the stillness of your heart space)

Aquarius- connect with the angels who know that that everyone (including and especially you) is doing their best with angelite

Cancer- intention to be impeccable with your word (thoughts too!) connect with your true spirit and find your angelic voice with celestite

Scorpio- forgiveness of self/loved ones malachite emotional healing

Pisces- the intention to live in a world where you are fully and wholly responsible for your wellness blue kyanite to align you and cut the bullshit