Horoscopes by Sign for Week of 10/5/2020

Good day beloveds. I’m writing to you fresh from the dining room, surrounded by the small people who call me “mama!” what feels like millions of times a day.

I channeled your weekly horoscopes last night, in the final hours of my kid-free time while the boys were in the care of their loving, dedicated, reliable father, who is also my trusted co-parent. I lit candles at my altar and said a prayer, tuned into the chart of the moment and my eyes ate up the data listed in my go-to ephemeris.

The messaging for all of us, ALL OF US, is very enthusiastically you are not your sun sign, you’re not your moon sign, you’re not your rising sign. You are a being, in a human body, sharing with us your selection of human attributes and archetypes that are observable as the signs in the wheel of astrology. These characteristics adding color and richness to this experience we so craved before we found ourselves, alive and well, in a body when we were born.

One of my innerstandings is that we all elected to be here at this time, warts and all. We each chose this time, among these people, at this location, to do our human experiencing. You are not at the mercy of your signs. Even Triple Libras and Super Scorpios can tune into their soul and adjust their radio station to transmit the frequency of their choice, and that choice does not have to be Libran. That said, it’s without a doubt that as the planets move through the signs our pre-calibrated settings are lighting up, becoming inflamed, losing steam, etc.

It’s not so simple to override these settings and the graceful way to use this system is through mindfulness and exhibiting the high caliber qualities of archetypes when the energy wants to present itself. This is making the most of the energy available while also tapping into your natural talents. If you identify heavily with Aries energy then tap into the qualities we can use for the highest good of all- courage, enthusiasm, leadership, optimism, spontaneity. Run the good program and then see how you might tap into the growth point, in the opposite sign, in this case Libra. This means exemplifying the qualities of an excellent leader and from that space seeing that what the team needs to complete a successful project is COOPERATION, and then LEADING BY EXAMPLE AND COOPERATING! Aries= leadership, Libra= cooperation. See how beautifully this can work?

The other message coming through for the collective right now (and I am sending this advice directly to myself as I have had a hard go of it here on earth lately with my physical body) the message is: how can you live well if this, right now, is as easy as it gets? How can you live in emotional, mental, physical and energetic wellness in these times, assuming these times are not going to get better, no matter what the result of the election in November. Empower yourself to be well in our reality so that you can show up in the moment and bring your gifts and strengths to whatever it is the moment calls for.

It is time to be honest with self and others about our strengths and weaknesses so we can have a realistic understanding of how we can all come together for the great (r)evolution. We can begin to understand who needs support and in which ways, who can share resources or skills and where we need practice or education for our community growth and health.

Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn are all now direct in the sign of Capricorn. It’s time to claim this energy for the good of all by holding yourself accountable where it makes sense. This is not about feeling guilty or about martyrdom, quite the contrary. This is about owning YOUR shit and being responsible for your part, whatever that means to you. It doesn’t help to bullshit yourself or anyone else anymore. Nothing fake will survive as we are moving more fully into the Aquarian Age. Your weakness will be in what you refuse to reveal because it will take too much of your precious energy and focus to hide it. Not to mention, we’ll feel the lies on and in you and naturally be repulsed by your vibration. Pay attention to who feels like good company right now and trust your intuition. Tend to this forgotten sense, it’s yours to guide you (meditation, deep breathing, dream journaling and more can all help us to tune into our third eye- the seat of intuition).

Finally, onto your weekly report…

Cosmic Weather Report by Sign Week of 10/5/20 (click on your sign to link to videos)

Libra- Monday may be moody and broody but energy should pick up, schedule meetings and important phone calls for Wednesday. Use this day to convey messages as you use your connections and knowledge of “how these things work”. By Sunday you may find difficulty with a Sagittarius (or Sag type energy) who is trying to make their way within the oppressive structures of government but who is having difficulty. There’s an additional expression of this energy that will pop off on Friday in a stand-off of feminine and masculine polarities. Get as much networking/communication/laying the ground work done now before Mercury Rx next week 10/13 and plan for how you will use your birthday New Moon on 10/16 to plant seeds for how you can be well in this world.

Scorpio- allow yourself to feel supported in taking this break. Allow yourself to feel the severity, the truth that you were or are not okay to carry on as normal. Your traditional ruler, Mars, and modern ruler, Pluto are squaring off. Pluto is doing important and extremely uncomfortable TRANSFORMATIVE work, this shit is exhausting. It is extremely intense to be you right now. I am picking up on a dynamic around a mother or women or some kind of nurturing authority figure(s). The message coming through for this is- moms make mistakes too. Don’t let that crush your world view, frankly it was absurd to believe otherwise. Here’s an action item that will give you a significant advantage if you can pull it off. Forgive yourself. I don’t know what you did but punishing yourself doesn’t help anyone. (Maybe you’re the mom that made a mistake? Maybe you did something that led to your mother making a choice that others view as a mistake?) You deserve a break. Virgo can help. Aries maybe too, Pisces and other Scorpios feel like supportive characters but of course Scorpio, ensure that you are surrounded by people that you trust. Your feelings are your compass, if some of the folks you’ve been spending time with leave you feeling like shit, surround yourself with someone else.

Sagittarius- There is a better way. Start with the better way to run Sagittarius energy. Travel (IF it’s safe, healthy, responsible). Learn about something new my dear adventurer, take a workshop on cultural appropriation. Wednesday may be a bumpy day for you and working in government or other work atmospheres which demand decorum and diplomacy may feel incredibly frustrating. The “fuck it, I’m out” response may continue to be flared up within you, I currently don’t see an end to that until at least 2021. It’s not the answer that will lead you to what you want, though. The answer will lie in responsible use of your skills and strengths. Honest admissions of weaknesses so that we may be supported, so that our community may contribute to our wellness, our wholeness. If interacting with others is irritating this week come back to your center. Pull out to the big picture view and observe yourself as a human having interactions with other humans. See the beauty in human error. Practice returning to the neutral mind and asking from that place what the next steps are. Either your inner guide will know or the person you’re interacting with will have an idea. It’s ok to say “I don’t know” just as ok as it is to say “I am overwhelmed, can we break for 5?” or “I will know more after I process, are you open to tabling this until Thursday?” Speaking of Thursday, that’s feeling like a great day to launch a new item, ask for a raise or celebrate with friends. Enjoy honest yet witty banter with air signs and if conflict arises with a Libra, return to that neutral mind for the win.

Capricorn- Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn are all finally in direct motion in your sign after turning things upside down for months. These planets are moving back over territory they traversed months ago. It’s deja-vu, it’s here we go again, it’s groundhog day. You may have felt disgusted with the lack of progress we’ve made this year and you may still feel that way today. Especially with regard to your career goals or goals you had in place for a team or other group. The advice here continues to be- check in with yourself daily. Maybe even multiple times a day to ensure you are aligning with the systems that share your values. Then bring your expertise and help folks who share those same values understand how to get things done within the big machine. You have a gift for moving through the world with an understanding of the status quo, and of what works to most effectively and efficiently move us through the systems in place. Harping on rules we have outgrown or are outgrowing is a waste of your time, if this is coming up for you, stop it immediately! This is why I implore you to check in. If you need help seeing the forest through the trees because you drank the kool-aid patriarchy conditioner find yourself someone who carries rebellious and revolutionary Aquarius energy. Maybe you have an Aquarius Moon- ask it what it needs to evolve. Listen and respond. Sagittarius or Libra energy might be difficult to interact with right now, but if you’re aligned with your values and these folks have been doing their personal work too, good things will come of these interactions and projects. An Aries might disappoint you, it may be hard to see but they genuinely need TLC or help. How they have messed up is unintentional and as a result of the Mars retrograde slowing their typical access to tremendous energy stores. Prepare to surrender to self-care, intuition, emotions or water this weekend as the moon will be opposing the trio of planets in your sign right now.

Aquarius- RESPONSIBILITY. Your traditional ruler, Saturn, asks you to show up now with the blessings it bestowed upon you from birth as it prepares to move into your sign in December. Wherever you have been shirking responsibility claim it. The messages coming through are asking you to start with taking responsibility for your happiness. Don’t worry, holding yourself accountable for your own happiness will not make you abandon the causes that need your energy to affect collective change. It will empower you to move through the world with greater agency as you own your shit, kick ass and take names. With your embodiment of Saturn’s gifts (you understand how the world works so that you can know where and how to shake things up so that we can change for the better) we turn to you to bring this knowledge, and in particular we look forward to you sharing your insights on what needs changing. There is a lot of weight on your modern ruler’s shoulders with Uranus moving slowly through the mud of Taurus territory. Rest often and without having to make a story of being victimized, you don’t have to be harmed to deserve a fucking nap. Take the damn nap cuz you’re the boss of your well-being, not because you’re the victim of the dog who kept you up barking all night. A Sagittarius, Libra or Taurus may pleasantly surprise you this weekend.

Pisces- for your mental and emotional health it may be wise to avoid Gemini and Sagittarius energy for this week. Unless it’s a work thing. If it’s a work thing or for the greater good thing then show up and bring your gifts to the table. Ahead of you is personal transformation with regard to gem/sag or any friends/acquaintances who don’t recognize your amazingness I ask- have you been your true self with them? If so and they still don’t get you, get out. They don’t deserve you if they can’t see how amazing you are and you should be surrounded by folks who reflect your amazingness back to you. If you haven’t shown your true self to them then you know you are selling yourself short. You don’t know if they appreciate you or not. Stop guessing and just be yourself. Be brave and be honest. The truth may be that you are trying to blame them for not liking you when the truth is that you don’t like them! Could be a Sagittarius comes in to help you heal a wound here by annoying you and with your new commitment to honesty you draw a boundary and say “no” to a social activity which you know you would not enjoy. Do NOT slip into the tempting option of white lying your way out of it.

Aries- OK Aries hi. We are IN IT, I keep looking up when our ruler, Mars, will be done with this retrograde phase and forgetting each time I look it up because I am so horrified that we still have more than a month to go. Hang in there, and consider the playing field leveled while our reserves of energy are depleted it gets everyone a chance to view us as human instead of as an extra enthusiastic energizer bunny. For some it’s car trouble, for others it’s your body that’s the broken down machine. You can still show up in your element- you can still bring courage, enthusiasm and optimism to the party, even if you have to go home early to rest and be alone. You can be enthusiastic about whatever is right for you- it’s a gift to yourself and the people you love when you view taking care of yourself as your own priority instead of waiting for the breakdown to force you into a timeout. Our retrograde ruler is squaring off against planets in Capricorn that are moving directly. You can’t win this fight with aggression, you will lose. But re-read the statements above regarding courage and enthusiasm, you don’t have to lose yourself just because you can’t win this fight. By the weekend the moon will be in caner and you’ll have a square on either side, it may feel like you cannot step in any direction without running into trouble (this feels like it may manifest as disgruntled family or partner). Replace expressing frustration through physical aggression with intentional movement, exercise and/or sex. Work up a sweat, you’ll be proud of yourself when you find you need a shower. Virgo could help, or maybe some deep talks with Scorpio. Say yes to joining Sagittarius for a spontaneous celebration. Tuesday could be a good day for getting some work done, your energy high. By Thursday Pluto will be exactly square Mars- the work Pluto is doing in Capricorn could feel extremely destabilizing. You’ve been asking for change, this is what it feels like. Don’t skip out, SHOW UP.

Taurus- we start the week with the moon in your sign, maybe, if we are lucky, we got to smell delicious cake baking and goddess willing we can have our cake and eat it too. With Pluto stationing direct we have all 3 planets in fellow earth sign, Capricorn, direct again. Perhaps in for a groundhog day experience some of the issues from spring will be relived this Fall. Some notes- like Capricorn check in with yourself with regard to systems/groups/corporations you’re affiliated with and acknowledge that as you work with those who are out of alignment with you you will feel bad. This is to say you may find yourself complaining and wondering what’s wrong, trying to make it something else, trying to make the problem one person. Be HONEST, don’t just stop critically thinking because you’re fucking stubborn. Think about if you are in alignment with these various systems we have all been conditioned within. If you have been doing inner child work ask your inner child where your own parents, schools, employers and other authority figures went wrong during your upbringing. There is much to be gleaned from the experiences of this Little You. We can do better. You can do better. bring some energy to how you can honestly DO better. In love consider how you may be of service, not to your lover, but to Love Itself. Be careful communicating with a Scorpio and other water signs, miscommunications are likely, be willing to ask clarifying questions as a remedy to this. Hang out with an Aquarius to spice things up, their ruler is hanging out in your sign for 7 years y’all may as well get to know each other.

Gemini- Moon moves in your sign mid week and passes over our collective destiny point in your sign. No pressure but let’s make the most of this! Don’t yell at me but the advice is, again, to dive into those emotions you’ve been avoiding (or maybe if you’ve taken my advice lately you have been exploring, please go back for more). Your ruler is swimming in the deep waters of Scorpio. What you have hidden in the depths is fodder for your up-leveling. Wednesday is an excellent day for meetings. Work with a Libra and bring your network and flexibility, on the fly ideas and pattern recognition to get things moving well before the Mercury retrograde next week. A message for a Gemini working on a group project or problem solving pattern recognition feels like a skill that is necessary to solve the problem or get the project moving after hitting a wall. Beyond emotional depth, which will serve your interpersonal relationships and emotional health, consider that professionally- digging deeper brings access to new information that isn’t available to those who aren’t willing to do the work.

Cancer- early this week show up to work as usual, but if a co-worker or even your boss needs an ear, provide it for them. Your intuition will be on point and your shoulder is a perfect place for them to cry if needed. Later in the week potential tension or an argument with an Aries lies ahead. Avoid them or the argument if you’re feeling advanced. It’s fleeting and pointless to engage in this conflict. Same with Libra, no will will ever remember the details of this fight, especially if you can just ride the wave and rise above petty drama. Turn to water signs for socializing, perhaps turn to actual water for soothing yourself. Indulge in Venus activities on Friday, enjoying music and beautiful things while being comfortable and looking beautiful yourself. Perhaps while in the company of a Venus ruled friend like Taurus. If you have a special trusted Virgo in your life they may help you to understand what went wrong in that argument with Aries or Libra, if not try turning to Virgo activities like organizing and cleaning your space to get ready for a cozy winter.

Leo- continue to enjoy your ruler’s time in Libra. Enjoy opportunities to celebrate, feel beautiful, make connections and feeeeel connected. Look at something beautiful. Friday is a good day to immerse yourself in beauty and deliciousness. While you may be accustomed to having a good time with your fellow fire signs Sagittarius and Aries you may find that both of these energies are not their usual selves. You may even find their current life challenges annoying or even coming across to you as pathetic. Thinking neutral or compassionate thoughts about these folks will serve you and them well, that doesn’t mean you actually have to stop what you’re doing to deal with their situation (this is a time of taking right responsibility- it’s ok to let them clean up their own mess and we know it’s not the first time a fire sign’s life got messy). When you need their help in Scorpio season you will be glad to have kept your interactions with them clean and friendly. Libra and Gemini are more fun and more likely to be on your same page, but lookout for drama especially in a dynamic with a Libra and Capricorn.

Virgo- Taurus and Cancer are friends to you this week. Cancer may have offerings of food or self-care goods to tend to your physical and energetic body. Taurus’s typically stabilizing energy is shaken up by the presence of the disruptor Uranus, score many good karma points when you show up for Taurus in acts of service this week. Remind Taurus and any other sign who crosses your path in distress that we CAN do better. Share ideas on Wednesday. Celebrate with a Sagittarius on Thursday. This will be their best day of the week and they can use your logic and common sense to plan safe and healthy travels over drinks. Your ruler is in Scorpio encouraging you to go deeper and meanwhile Neptune is opposite your sign and at home in Pisces. Bring emotion, intuition and depth into your life through dream journaling or discussing dreams and visions with a trusted partner or friend. And, when it comes to how we can do better as a collective a check point for you- have you taken advantage of the blessings of COVID-19 by purging your friends list yet? It’s a perfect time to examine how you feel while sharing company with friends and acquaintances and prune what doesn’t feel right. Your emotions are you compass. Thanks Virgo.