Horoscopes for Week of 10/12/20 and Libra New Moon by Element


Horoscopes by element for this week, link to videos by clicking elemental name.

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Air Signs

Gemini Libra Aquarius Cosmic Weather Forecast Week of 10/12/20

Use this week to release and let go of what doesn’t serve you as we move toward the Libra New Moon on Friday 10/16/20 at 12:30 PM PST.

It’s the last hour of the party. Folks will start collecting themselves to go home soon, there’s a pleasant energy and a sense that this could be the last chance for a while to experience social fun, what happens in Scorpio season (election and mercury Rx as a couple of examples) will not be pleasant. Get out there now.

And yet.

Do not sell yourself out for what feels like a good time. A big part of why Scorpio hates themselves is because of what happens in Libra season, because of people pleasing or reluctance to be authentic for fear of what someone or some group will think of you (hey it’s understandable, after going through the relentless judgments of Virgo season you have reasons for this fear, alas it doesn’t serve you, or me or any of us).

What we are all desperate for is the real You. Be yourself. Unfortunately you will be forced to connect with something you have been avoiding when you let You out. You’re safe here, try being honest with yourself about something you don’t like in me. You are worth it and I just might be able to make an adjustment that causes me no harm and helps support you and your wellness, the health of our relationship. Transformation and success are available- don’t skip out on this opportunity the magical elixir is truth!

Fire Signs

Aries Leo Sagittarius Cosmic Weather Forecast Week of 10/12/20

Use this week to release and let go of what doesn’t serve you as we move toward the Libra New Moon on Friday 10/16/20 at 12:30 PM PST.

On Monday connect with your authentic emotions, feel them, name them (do your own internet search for a chart of emotions or follow this link to up-level your emotional intelligence and bring richness to your intimate relationships). Discussions on topics perceived as taboo may surprise you. You have access to the deep fertile darkness and a wellspring of feelings and non-conventional desire at this time. If it is available to you, in a safe environment, with a trusted partner, open up a discussion about a fantasy you’ve always longed to explore.

You may experience yourself as someone who has been feeling wounded by oppressive systems, groups, people or by the pandemic itself. Do you talk about COVID-19 like it’s the villain of a movie? Does that then make you the victim? Mars retrograde is still fucking with the energy of fire signs especially Aries. Leo is feeling abandoned (possibly by its own fellow fire signs).

Antidote for what ails Fire: nurture emotional health, put energy into emotional intimacy and well-being in harmony with others as well as investing energy and focus in the well-being of the collective- the global good.

In our hearts all fire signs want is for passion and love to play out on the stage of life, and fundamentally we support the emotional wellness of all. If our self-centeredness and impulsiveness can take a back seat so that the wellness of all can come center stage we allow for our dreams to come true before our very eyes.

Are you willing to change your behavior for the sake of your own and other’s wellness?

Earth Signs

Taurus Virgo Capricorn Cosmic Weather Forecast Week of 10/12/20

Use this week to release and let go of what doesn’t serve you as we move toward the Libra New Moon on Friday 10/16/20 at 12:30 PM PST.

By the end of this year two big players will be out of the earth sign of Capricorn where by the 3rd week of 2021 the sun will join them in Aquarius and there WILL BE upheaval. A proactive strategy serves you, and all of us. Stabilize yourself now. Get clean and clear and honest with your energy- ensure your intentions are matching up with your IMPACT. You will be so annoyed if you ignore this advice:

Be honest with yourself

Be honest with all humans

Be willing to use energy to see if a task is aligned with your honest values

Be willing to walk out

Understand that if all you value is money, property, materials, and reputation you will be judged.

The traditional values system you were conditioned to accept is dying.

You will be judged but not by how well you have been following a playbook like the bible, the constitution or some code of conduct adopted by all the men who have come before you making a higher salary for you to aspire to. You will be judged by You yourself.

When you step on the scales of self-assessment the shame you carry, how much of yourself you have hidden in the shadows, and how much compassion and love you let expire in your heart will weigh you down.

Each and every time you fake it so you can follow a play from their book you poison us all.

The time is now, get right with You.

Water Signs

Cancer Scorpio Pisces Cosmic Weather Forecast Week of 10/12/20

Use this week to release and let go of what doesn’t serve you as we move toward the Libra New Moon on Friday 10/16/20 at 12:30 PM PST.

I’m watching the Moon as one of your rulers moving through heady territories this week. The first half of the week in Virgo, passing over Venus here and in Libra where it’ll align with the Sun in Libra for our New Moon on Friday. Virgo invites analysis and Libra invites dialogue.

Areas to explore: femininity and holistic health and making improvements to our emotional health through discipline and effort and routine to support the transformative work and create space for harmony.

Pluto still workin in Capricorn on our collective transformation needs all the support it can get. This is heavy work. Water signs feel the weight on their shoulders as well as the presence of Jupiter and Saturn taking up space with Pluto. Imagine if you will, a group project- what kind of work gets done when you get together: a Sagittarius and Pisces (traditional astrology says Jupiter rules both); Capricorn and Aquarius (traditionally Saturn rules both) and a Scorpio all being done at headquarters known as Capricorn’s house?

Looks like you get a pandemic, a presidential election, and an uprising asking for the End of the Age of Divide and Conquer that’s what. No wonder you’re tired.

We asked for this, the astrology would have supported it whether we wanted it or not. Alas here we are.

Despite the incredible and overwhelming action taking place on the collective level our personal lives continue to delight and disappoint us. We continue to find ourselves within dynamics where we can make a different choice; we continue to find ourselves wanting to do the same old shit. We can get beyond this level through acknowledging that we CAN make an empowered choice.

If this work is too daunting in the waking life, take it to your dreams. Write your intention in a journal to work through some of this as you sleep. When you awaken write down everything you can remember from the dream space. Alternately, use daydreaming and imagination to practice difficult conversations.

Ask yourself, how could I have showed up differently, better, more appropriately, with healthy boundaries, in love or at work? (Don’t worry I’m holding your lover and employer accountable in their own reading, this is about YOU).

Drop delusion, recognize where you have been allowing folks to believe something that was just an illusion. As soon as you realized what had happened and didn’t take right action to correct the misunderstanding (cuz I’m hearing that you KNEW what to do, you just didn’t want it to be awkward or painful and this may be DECADES OLD) you lost your innocence. You lost your innocence when you wouldn’t do the work to correct the illusion even though it wasn’t your fault.