How to Thrive During Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Rx 1/31-2/21 forces us to find another way like take the stairs when the elevator is out of order. 

Several times a year Mercury appears to be in retrograde motion (from our perspective on Earth, moving backward). The reality is that Mercury’s backward movement is an illusion based on how we PERCEIVE Mercury’s movements. 

Keeping this in mind is key especially as you navigate communications with folks during these next few weeks. If there is conflict around communication it’s almost always true that you’re not hearing the person/they’re not hearing you the way the words were intended to come out. I talk more about the hidden blessings of Mercury’s retrograde in this month’s Moon Magic Ceremony Video. Subscribe to tune in.

During Mercury Rx if technology glitches try old school methods like making a phone call, knocking on someone’s door or wait it out and pray. Picking up the phone can make all the difference, if you don’t hear back on something, do call to confirm!

If they aren’t hearing you, don’t give up, try really listening and hearing what they have to say, ask clarifying questions with a curious heart. We’ve all been conditioned to avoid question asking to some degree, but asking a clarifying question with an open and curious heart often results in seemingly magical solutions presenting themselves. It’s human to not understand AND it’s human to sometimes communicate in such a way as to require follow up questions. Give yourself, and everyone else, the gift of not taking it personally when questions are required to gain clarity. 

Mercury’s apparent retrograde motion isn’t a mistake, it’s an opportunity to get it right this time. We are all revisiting themes that Mercury affected from now and looking back to 1/19/21. Check out which house Aquarius calls home in your chart- that’s the area of life that is affected (and keeping in mind this is the area of life that is affected by the celestial bodies in Aquarius- especially Saturn and Jupiter who will be there long-term). From a collective perspective, we will all be experiencing Mercury as it passes over the planets Jupiter and Venus. This is all very pleasant energy and opportunity to revisit communications and/or networking as it relates to love and success/expansion/manifestation. 

For an experience working with the current astrological weather join me by subscribing to the Monthly Moon Magic Lunar Update and Ritual Video Subscription on my website. This video is delivered to your email inbox every month.

Moon Magic- monthly ceremony using the lunar cycle and zodiac as a guide for personal work, done in service for our collective highest good.

In ritual ceremony we are calling on the aspects of the divine feminine in ourselves to help us by deliberately cultivating an experience of our own intuition through the Moon. We are keepers of the fundamentally held truth that nature and mother earth live in harmony when all of our needs are met. On the new moon we pair this feminine divinity with the masculine energy of the radiant sun. 

This month we are calling on the radical Aquarius  Sun. With the new moon on February 11th we plant seeds of radical change, we release with the full moon the Leo tendency to find security through attention seeking and instead embody the Leo talent- willingness to be seen. 

Consider adding a ritual subscription box to enhance your Aquarius season with tangible offerings from me to you (available on its own or in combination with the ceremony subscription). Delivered to your porch or mailbox each month, a collection of items to delight your senses and awaken your spirit. 

February’s Details-

Element: air

Sun: Aquarius

Expand: innovative/radical ideas for the people

Full Moon: Leo 1/28 and  New Moon: Aquarius 2/11

Release: attention seeking for validation, harness willingness to be seen/heard

1 Leo inspired crystal: Tigers Eye

1 Aquarius inspired crystal: Angelite/Celestite

1 Moon Magic Altar Spray

1 blue chime candle

1 white chime candle

Release/Expand Intention Card

*1st ever subscription box orders receive 2 small candle holders